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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu alt.chinese.text:1372 news.answers:4680
- Newsgroups: alt.chinese.text,news.answers
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- From: yawei@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu (~{QG9p~})
- Subject: How to Read Chinese Text on Usenet: FAQ for alt.chinese.text
- Message-ID: <BzIs1G.IGq@usenet.ucs.indiana.edu>
- Followup-To: alt.chinese.text
- Keywords: faq, chinese text
- Sender: news@usenet.ucs.indiana.edu (USENET News System)
- Supersedes: <BxqJ4H.AML@usenet.ucs.indiana.edu>
- Nntp-Posting-Host: bronze.ucs.indiana.edu
- Organization: Indiana University
- Date: Sat, 19 Dec 1992 18:44:04 GMT
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Expires: Sun, 31 Jan 1993 05:00:00 GMT
- Lines: 280
- Archive-name: chinese-text-faq
- Original-Author: Ya-Gui Wei
- Last-modified: 19 Dec 1992
- Version: 0.7
- (1) What are those ~{BRF_0KTc5D6+Nw~}'s posted to alt.chinese.text?
- (2) Where can I find the software to read Chinese articles?
- (3) Are these software packages pretty easy to use?
- (4) How do I post Chinese text articles to usenet?
- (5) What are 'zW' and 'HZ'?
- (6) What is FTP and how do I use it?
- (7) How do I convert zW/HZ Chinese text to/from GB or Big5 systems?
- (8) How do I access or contribute to the alt.chinese.text archive?
- (9) What else do I need to know about alt.chinese.text?
- (10) My site does not carry alt.chinese.text. What can I do about that?
- (11) Where may I obtain the latest version of this FAQ?
- * * * * *
- (1) What are those ~{BRF_0KTc5D6+Nw~}'s posted to alt.chinese.text?
- Believe it or not, they are supposed to be Chinese characters.
- They are coded in one of two protocols: 'zW' and HZ. You'd need some
- software that understands these protocols to read them.
- (2) Where can I find the software to read Chinese articles?
- It depends on what kind of machine you are using. The following is
- probably an incomplete list of software which you can use to read
- this newsgroup:
- [This list contains general purpose Chinese software programs that
- support the 'zW' or 'HZ' protocols and are available through internet
- without user fees. If you know of any other such programs that I may
- have missed, please let me know.]
- [If you have problems using the programs listed below, you could
- seek assistance from (1) local users; (2) fellow alt.chinese.text netters;
- (3) software authors. The FAQ maintainer most probably can't help you.]
- a. If you are using a PC/Compatible running MS-DOS:
- (1) ZWDOS -- is a MS-DOS kernal extension that gives DOS text mode
- programs the ability to enter, display and manipulate 'zW' and HZ
- Chinese text. Small memory requirement. Supports CGA, EGA, VGA
- or Hercules Monographic displays. Available for anonymous ftp at:
- cs.purdue.edu:pub/ygz/zW-hz/zwdos*.zip
- ifcss.org:software/dos/ZWDOS/*.*
- [Author: Ya-Gui Wei <yawei@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu>]
- (2) KORE -- Fast Chinese/Japanese text viewing program for MS-DOS.
- Supports GB and HZ. Chinese fonts are now provided.
- Available at:
- mindseye.berkeley.edu:pub/kanji/kanji-viewer/*.*
- [Author: Frank Klemm <pfk@rz.uni-jena.de>]
- b. If you are using an Apple Macintosh, try:
- (1) Subtitle -- a program which decodes zW and HZ texts as subtitles
- for some terminal emulators. Runs with or without Chinese OS. A trial
- version can be ftp'ed from:
- ftp.apple.com:pub/lai
- [Author: Ed Lai <lai@apple.com>]
- (2) HZTerm -- a simple terminal emulator that supports the HZ coding.
- HZTerm requires Mac Chinese OS prior to version 6.0. Available at:
- ifcss.org:software/mac/viewer/HanziTerm.hqx
- [Author: Ricky Yeung <ryeung@eng.sun.com>]
- (3) If you have a Tektronix compatible terminal emulator (such as
- VersaTerm), you may be able to use Chirk. See c. (3).
- c. If you are using a Unix system/workstation:
- (1) CXTERM -- is an xterm with Chinese extension. It understands
- Chinese text coded with the Guo-Biao format. To read HZ and 'zW'
- codes, you also need 'HZTTY'. Requires X-Windows. Available:
- cs.purdue.edu:pub/ygz/cxterm*.Z
- cs.purdue.edu:pub/ygz/zW-hz/hztty*.Z
- [Author: Zhang Yongguang ygz@cs.purdue.edu]
- (2) MULE -- Mule is a MULtilingual Enhancement to GNU Emacs which
- can handle Japanese, Chinese or Korean (16 bits) characters.
- For Chinese there is support for both GB and Big5. Subscribers of
- alt.chinese.text will find it useful to use GNUS with hz2gb.el,
- which does HZ/zW encode/decoding automatically. Runs as stand-alone
- X client or with CXTERM. Available at:
- sh.wide.ad.jp []:/JAPAN/mule/*
- [Author: Ken'ichi Handa handa@etl.go.jp]
- Alternative pinyin input methods (including phrase input) for MULE
- available at:
- linac.fnal.gov:pub/pig.tar.Z
- [Author: Ping Zhou, zhou@okra.fnal.gov]
- (3) Chirk -- A Unix program for viewing Chinese text on Tektronix
- compatible graphic terminals (Graphon 225, 230, 140; DEC VT240,
- VT330/340; etc.) and terminal emulators (XTerm on X-Windows,
- VersaTerm on Macintosh, etc.) C source code is provided and may
- be portable to other platforms. Supports Guo-Biao, Big5, zW and HZ.
- [To use Chirk with rn, try "s | chirk".]
- Available for ftp at:
- crl.nmsu.edu:pub/chinese/ChiRK*.tar.Z
- ifcss.org:software/unix/viewer/ChiRk*.Z
- [Author: Bo Yang eric@sdphu1.ucsd.edu]
- d. If you have access to a PostScript Printer:
- GB2PS -- converts Guobiao or HZ Chinese text into hard copies
- by using PostScript printers. Ftp site:
- bellatrix.anu.edu.au[]:
- pub/gb2ps/gb2ps.2.02.tar.Z.
- [Author: William Sun william@cs.anu.edu.au]
- e. If you only have access to a dumb terminal. Reading Chinese on a
- dumb terminal is not going to be confortable, but it can be done.
- You may use 'hzview', but will need hz2gb from the HZ package
- described in question 5 (despite the name, hzview does not support
- HZ coding directly.) Ftp'able from:
- ifcss.org:software/unix/viewer/hzview.2-0.tar.Z
- [Author: Fung Fung Lee lee@rinconada.stanford.edu]
- Hzview is also useful for making large Chinese character banners.
- (3) Are these software packages pretty easy to use?
- Supposedly. Some of the software listed above is either terminal
- emulators or can be run in conjunction with a terminal
- emulator. Once you install them, reading Chinese text on this
- newsgroup should be easy. For example, if you are using ZWDOS
- or cxterm with hztty, the Chinese texts posted on this newsgroup
- will show up on your screen as Chinese characters automatically
- without any efforts on your part. Other programs (text viewers)
- requires that you run the program with the Chinese text file as
- input every time.
- Consult the documentation with the software for exact their
- specifications.
- If you have problems installing the software, you may post
- help requests to alt.chinese.text or contact the software
- authors.
- (4) How do I post Chinese text articles to usenet?
- If you are using a software package listed above that supports
- Chinese character input, (such as ZWDOS, cxterm, or Mule), you
- can already do this, and it is probably very similar to posting
- English articles. Consult the documentation for the software
- package for information about how to input Chinese characters
- with the package.
- If you do not have a software package into which you can directly
- type in Chinese characters, but you do have access to softwares
- that produce GB or Big5 coded Chinese text, you may use the
- conversion programs mentioned in question (7) to convert them
- to HZ or zW and then post them to usenet.
- (5) What are 'zW' and 'HZ'?
- They are Chinese coding protocols derived from Guo-Biao,
- the standard Character set used in mainland China. Compared
- to Big-5 (character set used in Taiwan), Guo-Biao has
- the property that each character in the set can be easily
- represented by 2 printable (7-bit) ASCII characters. The 'zW'
- and HZ are protocols that allow mixing of these Chinese
- text and ASCII (English) text, which are the main reason
- they are being used in this newsgroup.
- A description of the HZ protocol is available for ftp at:
- ifcss:org:software/unix/converter/HZ-2.0.tar.Z
- [Author: Fung Fung Lee lee@rinconada.stanford.edu]
- (6) What is ftp and how do I use it?
- It is beyond the scope of this document to provide a detailed
- tutorial about network file transfers. Yet I hope the following
- example will give you an idea.
- ftp ifcss.org
- username: anonymous [or just "ftp"]
- password: your_name [or anything else]
- binary [use binary transfer]
- cd software/unix/converter [change directory]
- get HZ-2.0.tar.Z [get file]
- bye
- After getting the files, you'd probably need to uncompressed/
- unarchived the files in some system specific manner. Your local
- system admin or users of similar machines should be your best
- source of help for this.
- The CND Chinese Magazine (Hua Xia Wen Zhai) has compiled a suite
- of help files some of which may be useful for you. To obtain
- an index, send a mail "get cmhelp index" to listserv@uga.bitnet.
- (7) How do I convert zW/HZ Chinese text to/from GB or Big5 systems?
- If you are using a Guo-Biao based system, conversion programs
- can be found in the HZ-2.0.tar.Z package mentioned in questin
- (5). Use hz2gb and gb2hz to convert between Guo-Biao and HZ
- text. If you are using a Big-5 based system, check out
- hc.tar.Z in ifcss.org:software/unix/converter, which lets you
- convert from Big5 to GB which can then be converted to HZ (and
- back).
- The Macintosh version of hc is in ifcss.org:software/mac/viewer.
- (8) How do I access or contribute to the alt.chinese.text archive?
- The alt.chinese.text archive is only recently set up, and is
- currently maintained manually by Ya-Gui Wei. You may access the
- archive via anonymous FTP at: ifcss.org:chinese/hz.
- All netters of alt.chinese.text are invited to contribute to
- the archive. All submissions should be uploaded via anonymous
- FTP to ifcss.org in the directory chinese/hz/incoming.
- All submissions should be in HZ or zW coded Chinese text, with
- no topical restrictions. If possible, please leave a second file
- in the same directory with a description of your submission,
- its source and other relevant information, and how you wish
- to be acknowledged.
- When uploading submissions, please be sure that you do not
- write over another netter's contribution.
- (9) What else do I need to know about alt.chinese.text?
- Alt.chinese.text is a free forum. It is not a topic oriented
- newsgroup, as long as your articles are in Chinese or is
- otherwise related to the subject "Chinese text." Nonetheless,
- after you get a hang of the software, you are strongly
- suggested to post in Chinese. Even for articles that best
- serve their purposes in English, a Chinese summary should
- still be provided.
- (10) My site does not carry alt.chinese.text. What can I do about that?
- The first thing to do is to tell your news administrator about
- alt.chinese.text and ask him/her to carry it. Some sites do
- selectively carry alt groups so it may be simply a matter of
- asking.
- The long term cure, of course, is to upgrade our newsgroup into
- one of the "official" usenet hiararchies (rec, soc, comp,
- etc -- I am not sure exactly which hiararchy our group belongs
- to), provided someone is willing to spending time leading us
- through the voting process. Until the day, your best bet will
- be to ask a site the carries alt.chinese.text to give you
- remote access.
- (11) Where may I obtain the latest version of this FAQ?
- This FAQ is posted frequently to alt.chinese.text and news.answers.
- The latest version of this FAQ is also available from the following
- anonymous FTP sites:
- pit-manager.mit.edu:pub/usenet/news.answers/chinese-text-faq.Z
- ftp.uu.net:usenet/alt.chinese.text/H_t_R_C_T_o_U:_F_f_a.c.t.Z
- ifcss.org:chinese/hz/chinese-text-faq (uncompressed)
- Compiled by Ya-Gui Wei ~{N:QG9p~}.
- Acknowledgements:
- Thanks are due to Dan Jacobson ~{;}5$Da~} and Fung Fung Lee
- ~{@n7c7e~} for valuable advice for the improvement of this
- document.